Torin Dorn Torin Dorn

[011] comfort is a silent killer.

We all have an inner dialogue that guides our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Think for a moment about the voice you choose to listen to most frequently.


To the person:

Comfort zones are cozy, familiar, and tempting to cling to, even when they're holding us back. But here's the truth: growth happens when we step outside of our comfort zones and let go of what's weighing us down. Here are 5 tips that can help us work on getting out of our comfort zones.

1. Embrace change, it’s necessary for growth. Instead of clinging to the familiar, embrace the opportunities that come with letting go.

2. Reflect on your values and what truly matters to you. Are those bad habits or toxic relationships aligning with your values and goals?

3. Give yourself grace, Letting go isn't easy, and it's okay to feel a range of emotions—sadness, fear, even relief. Be gentle with yourself during this process and remember that it's okay to prioritize your own well-being.

4. Instead of dwelling on what you're leaving behind, focus on the growth and opportunities that lie ahead. Visualize the person you want to become and take steps each day to move closer to that vision.

5. Find a partner, you don't have to go through this journey alone. Lean on friends, family, or a trusted mentor for support and guidance as you navigate the process of letting go and moving forward.

Remember, letting go of what no longer serves you is an act of self-love and empowerment. So take a deep breath, summon your courage, and take that leap. You've got this.

To the player:

To become a great basketball player, it's essential to break free from your comfort zone and embrace new challenges. Staying within familiar routines and techniques may offer temporary security, but it ultimately limits your growth and potential. Stepping outside of your comfort zone allows you to push your boundaries, experiment with different playing styles, and develop a diverse skill set that sets you apart on the court.


If you never move the bar to something that is a little bit uncomfortable then you will never be able to see how much growth you are actually capable of.

Maybe, instead of trying to make 5 shots in a row we try to make 10. Maybe, we make 8, but guess what, 8 is more that 5. See how setting your sights a little higher creates an environment that allows you to grow.

By venturing into unfamiliar territory, whether it's mastering a new dribbling technique, perfecting your defense against taller opponents, or expanding your range from deep, you cultivate resilience, adaptability, and confidence in your abilities. Embracing discomfort creates a growth mindset, allowing you to see continuous improvement and unlocking your full potential as a ball player. So, don't be afraid to take risks, challenge yourself, and explore on your journey to the top of the game.

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Torin Dorn Torin Dorn


We all have an inner dialogue that guides our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Think for a moment about the voice you choose to listen to most frequently.


To the person:

Life has a funny way of throwing us into unfavorable situations. It could be a tough day at work, a strained relationship, or just feeling stuck in a rut. In moments like these, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless, like we're at the mercy of external forces. But what if I told you that you possess the ability to turn things around? Next time you find yourself in such a situation, I urge you to make a conscious decision to be the change that you want to see. It's a simple yet powerful shift in perspective. Instead of focusing on what's wrong or what you can't control, focus on what you can do to improve the situation.

Take ownership of your thoughts and actions.

ASK YOURSELF: What small steps can I take to make things better? Maybe it's having an open and honest conversation with someone, setting boundaries, or simply practicing self-care. Whatever it may be, remember that you have the power to initiate change. Ownership is freedom.

To the player:

Throughout your journey within the game, I’m sure you have endured obstacles such as not playing the amount of minutes you would like, struggling to make a change in your skill level, or losing games. The easy thing to do when you face these types of situations is to point the finger and blame other people for why things are not working out the way you wanted them to. The power and dominion you want to have over your life reside in accepting the failure along with the success and taking responsibility for both.


Athlete A: Played 20 minutes in the game - shot 3-10 from 3 and blamed not getting the ball on time on target for why he shot 30%.

Athlete B: Played the same amount of minutes and shot the same percentage but determined that it was their fault and they needed to work on shooting while receiving bad passes.

Which athlete do you think will have a better game the next game considering all other variables stay the same? Probably the athlete who took ownership. Just something to think about.

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Torin Dorn Torin Dorn

[009] which voice?

We all have an inner dialogue that guides our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Think for a moment about the voice you choose to listen to most frequently.


To the person:

We all have an inner dialogue that guides our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Think for a moment about the voice you choose to listen to most frequently. Is it one of positivity and encouragement, or does it tend to lean towards criticism and self-doubt? Are you your own biggest cheerleader, or do you find yourself being overly critical of your every move?

It's important to recognize that the voice we choose to listen to has a huge impact on our well-being and success in life. If we constantly feed into negative self-talk, we diminish our confidence and hinder our ability to reach our full potential. On the other hand, when we cultivate a voice of self-compassion, support, and encouragement, we empower ourselves to overcome challenges, pursue our dreams, and thrive in all aspects of life. BE MINDFUL of the nature of your inner voice. You have the power to change the narrative. You can consciously choose to nurture a voice of positivity and self-love, one that cheers you on in times of triumph and offers comfort in times of struggle.

To the player:

As basketball players, we all have an inner coach and an inner critic whispering words of guidance or doubt into our ears. Which one are you choosing to listen to? Take a moment to reflect on the nature of your inner voice. When you miss a shot, make a mistake, or face a tough opponent, what do you say to yourself? Are you quick to criticize and doubt your abilities? Or do you offer yourself words of encouragement.

Without question, this to me is the biggest difference between good prayers and great ones. The great ones have a delusional voice, their level of optimism is unmatched. The good player may be just as talented and skilled as the great one but typically has a sliver of doubt in their minds. That one ounce of hesitation in your belief system can be the difference between being a player who had a good career and being a legend. I urge you to be mindful of the voice within. Whether you're on the court or off, remember that your voice is powerful—it has the ability to shape your reality. So use it wisely, and watch the way your life and game changes.

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Torin Dorn Torin Dorn

[008] impact is eternal.

In the grand scheme of life, each of us is allotted a birth date and a death date—a finite span of time to navigate the complexities of existence. It is within this finite window that the essence of what makes us human unfolds.

don’t wait until it’s too late to start making a difference.

To the person:

In the grand scheme of life, each of us is allotted a birth date and a death date—a finite span of time to navigate the complexities of existence. It is within this finite window that the essence of what makes us human unfolds. Between these two markers of our journey lies a humble symbol: the dash. This unassuming punctuation mark, resting between our birth and death dates, encapsulates the entirety of our lived experience—the laughter, the tears, the triumphs, and the trials.

It is within this dash that the story of our lives is written, for us that will be a story of growth, discovery, and transformation. The beauty of being human lies not in the amount of years we are granted, but in the depth of our experiences within that finite timeframe. It is within the confines of the dash that we have the opportunity to leave our mark on the world, to shape our legacy, and to fulfill our highest potential. You only get one dash to make an impact. Use it wisely.

To the player:

During our careers, every player is given a finite amount of time to leave their mark on the game. This is our opportunity to shape our legacy, to make a lasting impact, and to fulfill our highest potential. The last thing we would want, is to get to the end of our career and feel like we left some stones unturned. It’s not until the end that we typically realize how precious of an opportunity we had, when it was right in front of us the entire time.


As you navigate the challenges and triumphs of your basketball career, remember the profound significance of the limited amount of time you get to play the game. Embrace each game with gratitude and intention, knowing that the impact you make has the power to resonate far beyond the confines of the court. I urge you to seize the opportunity. Play with passion, compete with intensity not just against your opponents but also against your previous self. Be the best version of you that you can be and live with the results of whatever that brings you.

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Torin Dorn Torin Dorn

[007] worry is worthless.

In life, we are often taught the importance of pursuing our desires with unshakable determination. From a young age, we're encouraged to set goals and chase after our dreams relentlessly.

FAITH + ALIGNMENT IS THE formula for success.

To the person:

In life, we are often taught the importance of pursuing our desires with unshakable determination. From a young age, we're encouraged to set goals and chase after our dreams relentlessly. Yet, within this pursuit, there lies a subtle distinction that separates those who press forward with worry from those who press forward with confidence.

The real question we need to face is whether we are going to be driven not by confidence but by apprehension? How often do we allow worry to dictate our actions, to rob us of the joy and excitement that should accompany our pursuit of greatness?

Worry is worthless in the face of faith. When we have unwavering faith in ourselves, in the universe, in our creator, worry loses its grip on us. It becomes nothing more than a fleeting shadow, dissipating in the radiant light of our belief. To truly manifest our desires, we must align ourselves—spiritually, mentally, and physically—with our intended outcomes.

To the player:

Every player dreams of reaching new heights, of pushing past their limits, and achieving greatness on the court. However, in the pursuit of these aspirations, there's a vital lesson to be learned—one that goes beyond physical prowess and technical skill.

Worry can be a sneaky adversary of the mind, often clouding our judgment and hindering our progress on the court. It whispers doubts and fears, casting a shadow of uncertainty over our abilities. How many times have we found ourselves on the court, questioning ourselves for no reason at all? How often do we allow worry to dictate our actions, robbing us of the fearlessness that should accompany our play?


As you step onto the court, remember, everything you wish for will come to be when you press forward with faith and purpose. Trust in the power of your skills, believe in the beauty of teamwork, and know that the universe conspires in your favor when you align yourself with your intended outcome. There are many things we don’t have control over, our mentality isn’t one of them.

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Torin Dorn Torin Dorn

[006] be the light.

Life, isn’t easy and we shouldn’t expect it to be. The mark of a person who is built to last, is someone who learns how to look inward to find the strength they need to get through tough times.

in the face of darkness, you create light or you complain about how you can’t see.

To the person:

Life, isn’t easy and we shouldn’t expect it to be. The mark of a person who is built to last, is someone who learns how to look inward to find the strength they need to get through tough times. Besides, what is the alternative going to bring you? More darkness. Be a person who always finds a solution to the problems around them. Be a person who attacks life with an “anything is possible” mindset. In the face of darkness be the one who creates light, not the one who complains about how dark it is.


We have all watched people complain about things they don’t like, things they can’t change, or things that don’t really matter. What do most of those complainers have in common? They are victims to their circumstance. They see their problems as a personal attack for which they are unable to defend. Taking ownership of the solutions to your problems is what will set us free. We have the power to change our story.

To the player:

Most times, it is our own fault that we are not in the position we want to be in. I was talking to a young ball player about his season, when I asked why he thought he didn’t receive the post season accolades that he wanted, he began to list a few reasons that had nothing to do with things in his control. As I thought about it, I realized that all of the reasons that he named where actually valid, but, they were not conducive to building a level of ownership over your journey?


I’m sure we could all sit around and think about a plethora of different reasons why we haven’t made it big yet. On the contrary, I bet if we direct our energy inward, there are an equal number of things we could have done or could be doing to change our outcomes. In life and in the game, you are the author of your story. Obviously things happen, people try to keep you down, but are you going to be the person who tells the story about how you were held down or the person who tells the story about how they beat the game, beat the odds, and beat doubters too?

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Torin Dorn Torin Dorn

[005] switch the lens.

The lens through which we perceive a situation shapes the very reality we experience.

our vision is only as clear as the lens we choose to look through.

To the person:

The lens through which we perceive a situation shapes the very reality we experience. It is an undeniable truth that the way we interpret challenges, setbacks, and adversities profoundly influences the outcomes we get. Far too frequently, in the face of adversity, we confront these obstacles with a negative mindset, unknowingly paving the way for negative results. The alternative, a more empowering approach, lies in the conscious effort to defeat adversity by changing our perspective.

THINK ABOUT IT. Adversity is an inevitable companion on life's journey. Personal struggles, professional challenges, or unexpected turns of fate, all test our resilience. We must resist the initial urge to adopt a negative mindset. Thoughts of defeat can cloud our judgment, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy where negativity brings negative outcomes. The most successful people have the ability to have a delusional level of optimism in the way they view challenges.

To the player:

The best basketball players I’ve been around all have this delusional confidence in themselves. No matter the opponent or result of the last few plays, they are able to maintain a spirit of confidence due to the perspective they take. The results we get are a direct reflection of the

(work we put in) x (our level of belief in ourselves)

and sometimes your belief system can out perform our work.


Player A: Works out consistently but lacks the mindset to perform when it matters.

Player B: Is inconsistent with their work but believe in their ability, delusional.

Player C: Puts in the work on their game and builds themself mentally enough to blindly believe that they are destined for a positive outcome.

By far, Player C has the best chance to be successful.

What is stopping you from being player C? Why not change your mentality? Why not put in the hours? Why not believe blindly that you can do the unthinkable?

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Torin Dorn Torin Dorn

[004] control what you can.

In the pursuit of our goals, we often paint a vivid picture of what our journey should resemble.


To the person:

In the pursuit of our goals, we often paint a vivid picture of what our journey should resemble. Expectations, a necessary fuel for success, serve as both guiding lights and potential disruptors to our mental well-being. The art lies in discerning between expectations within our control and those beyond our influence, a practice crucial for maintaining a resilient headspace.

Expectations, when channeled effectively, propel us forward, providing motivation and clarity. They set a standard, urging us to reach for excellence. However, when these expectations become rigid blueprints is when problems arise. Obsessing over outcomes or circumstances beyond our control can be a recipe for disappointment and frustration. External factors, unforeseen events, and the actions of others are often unpredictable variables in our journey. YOU ARE ONLY IN CONTROL OF WHAT YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF.

To the player:

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve personally been or seen an athlete lose their mind about things they have absolutely no control over. Trust me, I understand that relinquishing control can be the hardest thing in the world to do, especially when you are chasing a dream.



Setting expectations for disciplined workout habits and a positive attitude is within our control. Setting an expectation for showing up with a consistent level of intensity is also in our control. Fixating on external factors like other whether of not someone else has a proper attitude of if the shot actually went in or not, may lead to undue stress. The wisdom lies in acknowledging the distinction, channeling energy towards actionable expectations, and gracefully navigating the uncertainties beyond control. It’s the subtle art of working with a purpose and allowing yourself to fall in love with the process not the destination. If you put in the work to make the shot, you can live with the result. Good or bad.

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Torin Dorn Torin Dorn

[003] loss is a great teacher.

I’ve come to appreciate the wisdom in the saying easy come, easy go. It serves as a reminder that the journey toward a goal is often just as significant as the destination itself.

they say it tastes better when you make it from scratch.

To the person:

I’ve come to appreciate the wisdom in the saying easy come, easy go. It serves as a reminder that the journey toward a goal is often just as significant as the destination itself. Enduring turmoil and persisting in the face of challenges contribute to a unique level of ownership over our accomplishments. The things acquired through consistent effort and resilience carry a different sense of appreciation.

THINK ABOUT THIS. When you pay for something expensive with your own money you will treat that item with extra care knowing that there was a time sacrifice you had to go through to get it. On the contrary, when you receive something for free or for a low cost, it is human nature to treat it with less care because you can just go grab another one. Let’s try to take this outlook when thinking about the difficulties we face in different aspects of our lives. The thing that is the hardest to do will typically garner the greatest reward.

To the player:

Consider the feelings we have as we strive for a scholarship to play D1, a chance to play at the professional level, or a bigger contract in the Pro’s. The individual who faces setbacks and navigates through uncertainties, is likely to develop a profound connection with their accomplishments. The struggle becomes a part of the narrative, making the achievement not just a destination but a testament to our resilience and determination. The ability to overcome is in us, not on us. IT’S NOT WHAT WE DO, IT’S WHO WE ARE.

On the other hand, things that come easily, while initially gratifying, may lack the sense of ownership. We have all been around the person who is just naturally gifted but does not respect the opportunities they were given. That is because they don’t resonate with the story of someone who had to push through blood, sweat, and real tears to get there. I’m a firm believer that people who win the largest in life, and in the game, had to sacrifice the most in order to get it. Embrace the losses, they teach you how to win.

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Torin Dorn Torin Dorn

[002] why? is the question.

Remembering why we started can be a guiding light to help us navigate through life's twists and turns, urging us to reconnect with the essence of our beginnings.


To the person:

Remembering why we started can be a guiding light to help us navigate through life's twists and turns, urging us to reconnect with the essence of our beginnings. While we are engulfed in the journey, it's easy to lose sight of our original aspirations. However, in moments of doubt or despair, retracing our footsteps to that initial spark of inspiration can revitalize our spirits. It's a gentle reminder that our lives are narratives are woven with threads of intentionality and meaning, and in remembering why we started, we find the strength to persevere and the courage to embrace the unfolding chapters yet to come.

ASK YOURSELF, Why did I set out on this journey in the first place? What did I set out to prove? Was it to acquire fame? Was it to acquire money? Was it to help people? What was “IT”? These are questions we should be asking ourselves daily to keep us on track after with our purpose.

To the player:

In the game of basketball, remembering why you started is the cornerstone of resilience and triumph. THE STORM IS COMING. That is a promise. In this game, there will be moments that make us question everything. Maybe, you sacrificed freedom, friends, and fun, only to get injured and have the game taken from you. Maybe, you beat out the person they had in front of you fair and square, only to have a Coach decide to play the same person you dominated for months. Maybe, you dedication 20 years of your life to make it to the doorstep of playing at the highest level only to be turned around upon entry. Maybe, throughout your journey you endure all of those scenarios at different times. It’s in each of those moments that we have to ask ourselves. WHY DID I DECIDE TO TAKE THIS JOURNEY IN THE FIRST PLACE?

If you reason for starting isn’t meaningful enough, you will inevitably quit when the storm hits. The storm isn’t here to stay. It is here to pass. But, not before it shows us who we truly are, what we are truly made of, and if we really have what it takes to reach the destination that we seek.

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Torin Dorn Torin Dorn

[001] speak victory.

The concept of "self-talk as the foundation of mental health" emphasizes the significance of the internal dialogue we have with ourselves on a daily basis.


To the person:

The concept of "self-talk as the foundation of mental health" emphasizes the significance of the internal dialogue we have with ourselves on a daily basis. This internal conversation, the voice inside our head, plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, feelings, and ultimately, our actions. The frequency and tone of this self-talk can greatly influence our mental well-being and, consequently, our overall quality of life.

THINK ABOUT IT. The concept of controlling our voice is all about taking back control over the programming of our minds. We are constantly taking in information, it comes a point where it’s hard to even know if the things we are thinking are actually our own ideas anymore. Our voice works like a guide to tell the brain what information to resonate with and what information to reject. The words you speak will become the life you live. Let’s try to be a little more mindful of the verbiage we chose in our everyday lives.

To the player:

A good basketball player often faces challenges, those challenges may include tough opponents, performance anxiety, and societal pressures. Our internal dialogue plays a crucial role in maintaining confidence and self-belief. Positive affirmations such as "I’m a problem," or "I love pressure" can contribute to a mindset that supports optimal performance. The vision that you have for yourself has to be carefully crafted with your words. The verbiage that you choose will shape your ability to overcome obstacles, maintain your confidence, and stay motivated.

There was a study done on the types of self talk that athletes perform where half of the control group spoke about the tactics and strategic things they needed to do well in a game. The other group simply spoke to build up their own abilities and reaffirm their prowess. 10 times out of 10 the group that spoke themselves up performed better than the group that spoke tactics. Moral of the story, SPEAK VICTORY. The ball-player who thinks they can and the ball-player who thinks they can’t are both typically right.

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